CLICK ON DISCOGRAPHY for my whole CURE discography ( 2229 ) and then you can choose between the singels, the official - VA - or Cure related albums OR THE BOOTS NEWEST ITEMS Tweeten Follow @be_findacure Her skin was white as chalk and she had piercings in both ears, in her nose and god knows where still more. For weeks on end she spent in confinement in her closed chamber, whereas heavy speakers infinitely repeated Cure-records. It seemed in nothing on an abnormal type resisting. Douglas Coupland in "girlfriend in a coma" "What kind of music is this?" Corinne asked. "Typical something Jeff likes." "The Cure," Russell answered. "How do you know?" "I just do." Jay McInerney in "brightness falls" Tape five : (A) 1. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the dark : "Enola Gay" (1979). 2. Peter Gabriel : "Games Without Frontiers" (1979). 3. The Cure : "Boys Don't Cry" (1980). 4. Patti Smith : "Rock and Roll Niger" (1979). 5. Modern Lovers : "Road Runner" (1972). 6. ....... Rick Moody in "Wilkie Ridgeway Fahnstock : The Collection Tapes"
Updated Saturday : 22.3.2025
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