Official albums Bootleg albums Singles Various artists albums
Related bands Cover bands albums
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
no title 2001 CD Falcon ERUC-2000/01
no title 1981 LP Fuktoni Record KUR
no title CD Primary Production PP CD 5250
no title LP Primary Production PP 5250
no title LP The number of your test JF 001
no title LP Untouchables Records R.S.555
... And dreams come true in '92 1992 Double-CD Kiss The Stone KTS081/082
... From the beginning CD Voo Doo Sounds OSA
10:15 on a Saturday night, 10 years ago, it was just right LP CO-2
11 bloody flowers 2000 CD
12th bizarre festival 1998 Double-CD CR 980822-1/2
17 boys have faith in pornography CD Imperium IMP 006
1979-1989 2005 Double-DVD Classic Rock CRP1906
1979-1989 2005 Double-DVD Classic Rock CRP1906
1989 Double-LP CE 1-2-3-4
II LP-Picture Disc Baktabak Records BAK 2105
20 years 2000 Double-CD Euro Boots 36/2
2nite in France CD Filou FLU-006
5 imaginary boys 1991 CD Red Phantom RPCD 1037
5 imaginary boys Double-LP
A collection of dreams CD CB 1
A day like this 1986 Double-LP Forest Production TC 140 686
A dream, live 2002 Double-CD Orange Records CR21/22
A l'Olympia Double-CD The Swingin'Pig Records TSP-CD-151-2
A night like this 2002 Double-CD Devotion Records CUREHYDE
A night like this 1986 LP September Songs CC 28 413
A room without a view 2010 2CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0355
A thousand virgins 1996 CD Dragon Music KT 002
A wish come true Double-CD Alternative Recording Company ARC 001-2
Accuracy 1990 Double-CD Speedball Records SBC003-2
Accustic daze LP Limehouse Records CU1
Acoustic daze 1991 CD Speedball Records SBC019
After the Cure I'm alive and well 1981 LP Belle Epoque Records BER.002
Akuma 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0385
Alive & well 1992 CD Royal Sound RS-CD-92100
All I have to do is kill her 2010 2CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0323
All the voices blur 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0224
Alternative medicine 1995 CD Chelsea Records CFD026
An interview 1990 CD single-promo Polydor cure procd3
An interview with Robert Smith & the band CD single DA Music S1124
Another day, another dream CD T. Rex Records TRCD 130
AOL sessions vol. one EP 2004 Single Nobbsy Normas Records KE 003
AOL sessions vol. two EP 2004 Single Nobbsy Normas Records KE 004
Arabian dream 1985 LP Duck Production 504
Arabian dreams CD TVO-D Records 1039
At the edge of the deep green sea Double-CD Backstage BKCD 004/005
At the top Single SNPR3
Bataclan, Paris 1990 Double-LP Subway Records TC 05/06
BBC 1985 CD Wild Angel Records RSCD 2
BBC transcription services 1986 LP BBC CN 4852
Besides the remixes CD
Best CD TC-261096-B
Best 2008 CD Cronyc Media VI N 02052
Bestival live 2011 CD Media Solutions CD014
Between the forest and the sea 1989 LP Baktabak Records BAK 6006
Big bright beautiful world DVD Apocalypse Sound AS 32
Birmingham LP Wall Records 001
Bite the big apple Double-CD Big Music BIG 026/27
Bizarre 1998 CD Thunderball BT 051
Black sessions 2022 CD Golden Rain GRNCD039
Bloodflowers live 2000 CD BLOOD2000
Bloodsessions 2002 CD North Star Records TC-ND
Box (Legendary Broadcast Recordings) 2022 CD-Box(6) Laser Media LM 12202
Brits 91 LP-Picture Disc CURE12P
Broken head 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0353
Brussels / Belgium, November 01, 1987 2022 Double-CD Radio Broadcast Music Ltd 13602
Brussels bloodflowers 2000 CD CUBR0302
Carnage dream CD Wild Angel Records RSCD 1
Carnage visors 2010 LP Kittens Release
Caterpillar 84 1985 LP C3
Cats like cheese : demos 77-85 Double-CD FIXCD00
Charlotte sometimes LP Easy Flyte Records Flight 501
Chronicles CD Cosa Nostra COSA-006
Chuja Vista May 20th 2016 2016 3CD Islandrecords
Close to you 1992 CD Prime Cuts PC 005
Club adrenalin 1996 CD RSM RSM 182
Cold Double-CD The Swingin' Pig RecordsTSP-CD-223-2
Collector's curiosities vol. 2 CD Silver Apple Records SIAP 505
Collector's kaleidoscope CD Caterpillar Enterprises LC5157
Concert volume 2 : Wish tour'92 1992 Video G's Noise Works ltd
Concerts 1979-1987 DVD CURE 7987
Copycats Single Xenos X-42017
Crystal palace part one 1991 CD Exile Records CD 4005
Crystal palace part two 1991 CD Exile Records CD 4006
Cure aids Double-LP STASH 2307
Cure carnival Double-CD Blizzard Records BLZD 123-124
Cure90 Single
Cured 1992 CD Turtle Records TR-47
Cured vol. 1 1993 CD Banana BAN-006-A
Cured vol. 2 1993 CD Banana BAN-006-B
Cured vol. 3 1993 CD Banana BAN-006-C
Cured vol. 4 1993 CD Banana BAN-006-D
Curiosity 1994 CD Non Fiction Records NP-22
Curled like an embryo 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0178
Dark night, The Prayer tour 1989 1991 Double-CD Great Live Records GLR 9103/04
Darkmen 1992 Double-CD BUC BUC 034/2
Dead cat collection Double-LP
Death in the pool 2017 LP Creepy Caterpillar CCSICK8485
Denver June 5th 2016 2016 Double-CD Islandrecords
Difficult to cure 1991 CD Beech-Marten Records BEECH-MARTEN 018
Digging in the dirt CD Kobra Records KRCD 39
Disinformation CD Discussion Records A 4 ESTCD
Disinformation LP-Picture Disc Discussion Records A 4 EST P
Disintegration 1991 CD Ghost Vipers D-89351
Disintegration Double-LP Brigand Ghost Vipers GV 77
Disneyland is cancelled Double-CD ROLA 017/18
Doctor Robert's surgery 1995 CD Hisponola Records HISP 038
Don't forget the stars CD TUBE TUCD 004
Dr. Robert & Mr. Smith 2001 CD Drugstore Discs 8 945523 628916
Dream tour 2000 Double-CD CU246/1+2
Dream tour 2000 2000 Double-CD CU201/202
Dreaming CD Rocks 92077
Dreams are real LP EDIN-1981
Dreams comes true CD Living Dead Records SE-403
Dressed up again Double-LP Big tit Records C 3090
Dressing up Double-LP Strawberry Records Ltd. VF 622798
Dressing up for a day out 1995 CD Kiss The Stone KTS 466
Early symptoms - the demotapes CD C94071
Easy Cure Single CQ 001
Electric picnic 2013 CD Cellar Dweller Records CD-130401769
Elephant's grind Double-LP Trade Mark of Quality TMQ 72123
En Argentina 1991 Double-CD On The Road S 20301+2
Entreat - Tales of ordinary madness LP DY 74045
Eucharist LP Musichien JH-900717
Europe 1990 1994 Cassette Live Storm LSMC 51166
Europe 1990 1994 CD Live Storm LSCD 51166
Fading roots 1987 Double-LP GI-1112
Fascination street 1990 LP Musichien E 90
Fight the sickness 2002 Double-CD Devotion Records CUREZILLO
Final romance LP Metropol Records CU-69
Firenze rocks 2019 Double-CD Music Red VRF500-800
Florence 2022 2023 Double-CD+DVD Uxbridge Uxbridge 1814
Forever 1993 CD Bundy Records SE 313
Fourteen delicious drugs 1995 CD Drugstore Records DRG 197995-1
French kiss LP Tropo Tropo-320
Freshly squashed flies CD Totoba Productions
Friday I'm in live '92 CD Christie Records CR 26955
Friday night love 2008 CD Cellar Dweller Records CD080901296
From the edge of the great northwest Double-CD Hawk HAWKOO7/8
Fuck rock'n'roll ! 2012 CD The Godfather G.R. 827
Full moon concert Double-CD The Swingin'Pig Records TSP-CD-086-1/2
Full moon concert Double-LP The Swingin'Pig Records TSP 086-2
Garden party Double-LP The Butterfly Records ROCK 4
Germany 2000 CD AP 02
Get wild 1996 CD Snake SNAKE 014
Gifted quacks CD OHM Digital Recordings OHM 11
Girls don't cry Double-LP C-1 - C-4
Glastonbury '90 1990 CD Zodiac ZDCD001
Glastonbury '90 1990 LP Zodiac ZD001
Glastonbury 1995 1995 CD 3D Reality 3D-CU-021
Glastonbury festival CD CD Company srl MAN 002
Glow in the dark LP-box (4) Tempest Records
Gravedigger 1992 CD Make Me Smile MMS 1192
Greatest hit singles 1999 CD 7 24384 72682 9
Greatest hits Cassette Audio Mast AM 2060
Halloween galore 1998 CD Thunderball TB 006
Happiness is sadness 1995 CD Octopus OCTO 194
Happy halloween 1998 CD Piggy Puss PP-001
Happy the man CD LLX-9
Happy the man 2021 CD Sonic Boom SON0386
Hardly praying for rain LP DY 74045
Haunted house CD Spotlight SL-CD 002
High in heaven 1992 CD Living Legend Records LLRCD 180
High on Cure CD C-07013
High tops n'hairspray Double-CD All Of Us AS 13/2
Hit collection 2000 2000 CD E.S. Records CDM 0500-423
Homesick CD-box (3) Free-As-A-Boot Records FAAB-0019-3
Hot LP-box (3) Easy Flyte Records Flight 150
Hot hot hot 1991 Double-CD Red Phantom RPCD2029/30
Houston Texas May 13th 2016 2016 3CD Islandrecords
Houston TX May 14th 2016 2016 3CD Islandrecords
Htv music history Double-CD Halahup Records Hal045
Imaginary 1991 CD Sherwood Robin Hood 2
Imaginary songs CD DIYE 8
In an electric glare 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0143
In between daze 2004 Double-CD Alternative Edge Productions AEP2004338
In between milleniums 2000 Double-CD The Swingin'Pig Records TSP-CD-253-2
In the deep of your though vol. one Cassette Over Load OLM 113
In the deep of your though 1993 CD Over Load OLC 113
In the eyes of the ghost again 2011 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0386
Inbetween days 1985 CD The Swingin'pig TSP-CD-124
Inbetween days Single
Incurable night Double-LP
Incureble 1981 LP Centrifugal Record FIC 101
Insecure Double-CD INSEC-1/2
Interview picture disc Single-Picture disc CURE 7P
Interview picture disc LP-Picture disc Baktabak BAK 2011
Interview picture disc collection Single-box Baktabak BAKPAK 1005
Interview with Cure LP-Picture disc AD 48 B
Interviews Single Cure CURE7
Intimately 2002 CD Devotion Records TCCD 1
Invasion of the body-snatchers Double-LP MIW 11 / GGT 300
Invitation 1993 Double-CD Fictious 103
Ireland, September 01, 2012 2024 CD Eagle-Eyes-Entertainment EEE-82375
It's nothing left but this 1995 CD Closedown Productions ACD/OSA
J'oublie mon chagrin 2004 CD Aural Delights AD 105
Japan 1986 LP El Topo 104
Journey to the far side of the galaxy 2011 CD Supersonic Scientists SSS0 483
Just like heaven 1992 CD Kiss The Stone KTS035
Kick the last nail in it 2016 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0831
Killer Cure 1996 CD Flood FLD 1010
Killing time again Double-CD Galaxy Records
Kiss me deadly 1992 CD Royal Sound RS-CD-92103
Kiss me for cure CD Rockland ROLA 015
Kyoto songs 1992 CD Classics Limited CL 005
L. A. Forum Double-LP
La belle june 1991 LP-box (3) Emphase CAT. NO. 931-1
La route du rock CD
La route du rock 2006 DVD Ducky Edition DIME
Last day of spring CD-box (3) Brother Records BR053
Laughing gas 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0404
Lavender 2010 Double- CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0383/a>
Le Reservoir 2002 CD Devotion Records TCCD-LR
Let's go 1985 LP MIW Records 17
Like falling angels 2000 Double-CD Devotion Records SNP 223/224
Like falling angels III 2000 CD Devotion Records SNP 225
Lips that speak CD single Holoview/3D 003
Live CD MusicTape MTCD 110 4105
Live '98 Double-CD ERUC CD1/2
Live 2005 2023 EP (10") Pink Flamingo Music Distribution PFM 80302
Live at Glastonbury 1995 CD Fact Music fmcd 001
Live at Madison Square Garden 2008 CD
Live at Paradiso LP TK LP 013
Live at Sydney Opera House 2019 209 Double-CD UM Sound UMS 30052019
Live at the Whiskey a go go CD Private Records PRCD 010 000
Live Birmingham 1986 LP CU 86
Live from Chicago Double-CD Doghouse Productions DP 26/27
Live in Bologna 20/5/84 LP-Picture disc Plastic Passion Records MB-5334-2
Live in Budapest 1989 Cassette
Live in Budapest CD Picture Records 0 42282 76862 9
Live in Budapest 2002 Double-CD Picture Records 0 42284 70992 7
Live in Florida 2004 DVD Upper Class Entertainment UCE-005
Live in France 2005 2012 CD Immortal IMA 104188
Live in France 2005 2012 DVD Immortal IMM 940363
Live in Germany 2021 Double-CD Laser Media LM6460
Live in Glasgow 2008 DVD BBC Films + DVD BB 3508
Live in Holland 24/05/1980 LP-Picture disc Frog Records
Live in Italy Double-LP CU1
Live in L.A. 27.07.1981 CD Headliner HL CD 008
Live in London 1989 LP DY 74045
Live in Milan at the Rolling Stone Double-LP Wind Records MB 5334
Live in Milan at the Rolling Stone LP-Picture disc Wind Records MB 5334
Live in Neuhausen Ob Eck, Germany 2019 Double-CD UM Sound UMS 21062019
Live in Rome 2013 DVD NFK NfK-236
Live in the empty world CD Private Records PRCD 009 000
Live lullabies and other bedtime stories 2024 LP Yellow Vin Records YVR 4030
Live on air 2023 CD Box (6) Laser Media 1154262
Live on Prospect Hill 80 1985 Double-LP C1+C2
Live on Prospekt Hill Double-LP Big Tit Records 5519
Live USA volume one CD LSD Records LSD CD 152.029
Live USA volume two CD LSD Records LSD CD 152.030
Live vol. 1 1993 CD Joker Productions JOK-003-A
Live vol. 2 1993 CD Joker Productions JOK-003-B
London 1991 1992 CD Posct Script PSCD 1125
Looking for a forest 1981 LP Logo Record
Looking for love Double-LP Twisted Records ROK2
Lorelei '89 1990 LP X-Ray Records Ltd. CU-4-89
Lorelei '89 Double-LP FB Records FB 100
Lost wishes and mixes 1996 CD Working Class WG OO1
Love songs 2004 Cassette Bionic Records 117462549029
Lullabies from heaven 2022 CD Vivid Japan VSCD 4533
Lullaby 1992 Cassette On Stage Records MC/ON 2228
Lullaby 1993 CD On Stage Records CD/ON 2228
Lullaby 1990 LP Musichien
Lullaby for Rothenburg CD TTCD 98
Lullaby 12" single boot white label CURE 001
M 1991 CD Great Dane Records GDR CD 9121
M 1991 CD-single Great Dane Records GDR CD 9121/B
Mad Bob and the Screwtones 1995 Double-CD Home Records HR 6031/32
Maximum Cure 2004 CD Chrome Dreams ABCD 171
Melkweg Amsterdam 1979 2023 LP Cult Legends CL92676
Melt the light 2012 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0548
Message from Jupiter 1996 CD Moonraker 202
Millennium collection CD BL TCU-MC 202
Mixes & remixes CD Lost Home Syndicate C 1
More then rare CD
Mort a Paris 2009 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 099
Mountain View May 26th 2016 2016 3CD Islandrecords
Never enough 1991 Double-CD Not Guilty N6-81091-2
Never enough Double-CD Red Phantom RPCD 2082/2083
New Jersey Radio Networks CD New Jersey Radio Networks NJRN VC 90-11
New Orlean May 10th 2016 2016 Double-CD Islandrecords
New Orlean May 11th 2016 2016 Double-CD Islandrecords
New songs 1996 CD Moonraker 120
No Cure no pay Double-LP Stereo Master Ltd. CRR27118
No festival Sudoeste 98 1998 CD 980519
Nothing left to burn 2011 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0461
Obscurities CD Obscure
Ola Barcelona 2000 Double-CD EB 57/2
One more holy hour 1986 LP Duck Production DUCK CURE 003
One more time Single Collector Items 0914012
Opera bastille CD Star STAR 023
Opera bastille 2004 DVD Ladybird records DVD015
Orange 2009 CD Cellar Dweller Records CD-090101321
Out of the woods 2004 DVD Chrome Dreams DVD-CVIS371
Out of this world ? 2002 CD Frog Eaters Records FER-003
Outer walls Double-LP Kornyfone T 72124
Paleo Folk Festival DVD Silver Vision SV 2411
Parched corn 1993 Double-CD RTW RTW 013
Paris 90 Video
Paris Accor Arena 2024 Double-CD BootXPress Records BXP 28112022
Paris le Zenith CD-box (3) TCCD9
Picture disc Single CURE1
Picture of you Cassette FE Records FE 1085
Pig in the mirror 1992 CD Turtle Records TR-39
Pill box tales CD Albatros Records AR-004
Play for radio CD Hand Made HAM 05
Play for today 1990 CD The Swingin'pig TSP-CD-070
Play for today LP TP House Production DRJ500
Play for today 1990 Double-LP The Swingin'pig TSP-070-2
Pornography Single 5.5" flexi 2146
Pornography tour 1982 1991 CD Collect'or SACD 001
Port Eliot 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0209
Premiere Radio Networks : 03-09 2003 Double-CD The Album Network 03-09
Pretty baby scream LP-box (3) TCH
Pulling the plug LP Imaginary Records MTVLP 1991
Push 2005 Double-CD Swingin'Pig Records TSP-CD 444/45
Queen Elisabeth parade 1996 CD Kiss The Stone 618
Rare 12" versions 2 2006 Double-LP Our Records CUR002
Rare Cure 1990 LP Subway Records SUB 01 LP
Rarities 2000 CD CURE CR 2000
Rarities : volume 2 2000 CD CURE CR 2000-2
Razor rare remixes vol. 1 CD RRR-444-1
Razor rare remixes vol. 2 CD RRR-444-2
Razor rare demos vol. 3 1996 CD Flood FLD1015
Razor rare live vol. 4 1996 CD Flood FLD1016
Red and yellow 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0327PR
Red light district 2021 CD Wicker Man WKMCD016
Regret and humility 2011 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0480
Remix album Cassette Studio J&J
Remixes from the heart CD CU-1110 RMX
Reveal all secrets 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0238
Riot fest 2014 Double-CD
Rob good-bye Single BOR BOR 004
Robert's birthday CD JAG 0187
Rock case studies DVD Edgehill RMS2392
Rock en Seine 2019 Double-CD Diamond Records DR 23082019
Rock in Rio 2024 Double-CD Wicker Man WKM2CD071
Rock over London #90-41 1990 CD Radio Ventures 516 358-2250
Rock Werchter 2019 2019 Double-CD Diamond Records DR 28062019
Rome 2 Paris live 2004 DVD Penguin Peng-5
Room at the top Single FUNN 31
Roskilde 2012 2012 CD Cellar Dweller Records CD-121001715
Route of kings 2002 Video XF 08/2002
See the children Single SNPR 4
Seeing worlds that never were 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0177
Serious medication CD Relapse Records REL04
Seven day week end CD JAG 00248
Shake dog shake CD SBL 171297
Shellfish's advice 1993 CD Crocodile Beat CB 53011
Sinking with love LP Koo Rec.
Slashed with lipstick 1996 CD Spiderhead Records SPRCD 96
Slit the cats 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0230
Someday 2000 CD Fiction 3296630 231727
Sorry Robert, we can't stop this fucking taping LP FM Broadcast Corporation fm 300-1
Stained glass smile CD Love Cat Music LCM 001
Stiff as toys LP Trade Mark Of Quality TMQ 71108
Storm head 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0240
Strange Double-CD KissKiss KISS 032/33
Strange attraction 1997 CD TCSA TCSACD 0197
Strange days CD Forbidden Fruit 321
Strange days 1991 LP Limehouse Records
Strange days in Glastonbury 2004 CD Remedy Records Glaston 95
Strawberry kisses 1996 CD Kiss The Stone KTS548
Studio daze CD
Summer daze 2022 CD Vivid Japan VSCD 4534
Super golden radio shows no°024 Live in Sydney 1980 1994 CD SGRS Records SGRS 024
Super golden radio shows no°043 Live in Brussels 1980 1991 CD SGRS Records SGRS 043
Sweet accoustic lullaby LP-Picture disc Cosmic Communications LV 117
Sweet talking guy 1993 Double-CD Great Dane Records GDR CD 9305/AB
Sweet torture CD HallMark HM 018
Swinging crowds Double-CD Kobra Records KRCD 019/2
Swinging mood of London CD CU 9196
Swinging piggy in the mirror 1990 CD Kaleidoscopic Music srl. KMCD 07
Tales of ordinary madness LP Royalty Records ROYR-506
Talking pictures CD single Baktabak CBAK 4003
Teardrops and temptations 1996 CD Kiss The Stone KTS554
The 1985 European tour 1994 CD Live Storm LSCD 51029
The 1985 European tour LP Mongrose Records 870 63 040
The addiction of duplicities 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0144
The art of the dark DVD Apocalypse Sound AS 140
The best CD Panda Music
The best 2001 CD Russian Hit LR-005 / D0041
The best days 2023 CD-Box (8) Radio Broadcast Muscic Ltd.50077
The best of... Double-cassette Brawo K-146
The black sessions 2008 CD Sanpatte Records SANG 220 CD
The blood Single IMC CS 842
The broadcast collection 1979 - 1996 2024 CD-Box(5) Cult Legends CL94106
The complete B side collection CD CU7989
The complete B side collection vol. 2 CD BOB 2
The conversation disc series 1988 CD ABCD 002
The demosessions vol1 Double-LP CURDS001
The drowningmen 1992 Double-CD Gonza Music CD20463
The funeral party Single 5.5" flexi 2147
The gothfather CD The Godfather GR. 74
The grave, which grins at the last LP Perfect Beat 1614
The grave, which grins at the last LP Perfect Beat 1614
The greatest faith 2012 CD Cellar Dweller Productions CD-120101638
The head on the door CD Burnin Discs FLAM03
The head on the door Double-LP Spock Records Unlimited HEAD
The holy hour CD Chapter One CD 25175
The interview 1998 CD Talking Music Speek 015
The kissing tour Double-LP UFO qwest-1
The kissing tour '87 1991 Double-CD Skeleton Songs SS008/009
The kissing tour 1987 Double-LP the cure 17
The laughing soup dish Double-CD Flashback Worldproducitons Flashback 09.92.0188
The only one in 96 CD May Day 003
The Paleo festival 2025 Double-CD Wicker Man WKM2CD076
The perfect kiss 1992 CD American Concert Series ACS 58
The prayer tour '89 Double-LP Lloyd Records FB 200
The Robert Smith interviews CD Baktabak CBAK 4050
The strange museum 2008 DVD SGDVD016
The swing tour '96 Barcelona Double-CD BOB 011-12
The top studio demos CD The Real Stuff Records 777kd
The top studio demos LP Curious Records Ltd 777kd/BB-LP02
The video anthology 2005 DVD Boot X Press
The walk 1993 Cassette Sarabandas srl MC 12046
The walk 1993 CD Sarabandas srl CD 12046
The walk 1991 CD Templar TCD 9
There is no such thing ... 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0403
These flowers will always die 2000 Double-CD 3Trilenium 3003
Three imaginary boys CD
Three imaginary boys 1983 LP First FL-1529
Three imaginary boys in seventeen seconds 2012 CD Cellar Dweller Records CD-120101637
Torture 1991 CD Mongoose Records MONG CD016
Torture 1995 CD Live Storm LSCD 51061
Transmission impossible 2022 Triple-CD Eat To The Beat ETTB139
Trilogy 2003 Double-CD Red Devil RD0020-1/2
Ultra rare trax CD Montana MO 100 03
Ultra rare trax CD Ultra Records URT OO1
Ultra rare trax 1994 CD Live Storm LSCD 51531
Underneath the Italian stars DVD Apocalypse Sound AS 157
Unlicensed CD SW SW 63
Unplugged 2004 Cassette Rock Industries 06Q6.04
Unplugged and more CD The Love Cats CDLC 001
Untitled 1998 CD Rocktown A19710612-12E
USA 1992 1992 Double-CD Live Storm LSCD 52214
USA 1992 1992 Double-CD Post Script PSCD 2214
Vinyl rarities CD Burnin Discs FLAM07
Visions of domino LP Funeral Tango 395431-SA
Watching shadows 2011 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0467
We hate rock 'n roll 1991 CD Triangle Records PYCD 068
Weekend out 1991 CD Live Family Entertainment D-89351
Wembley arena '89 1990 CD RS Records RS CD23
Westwood One In concert new rock #94-48 1994 Double-CD
Westwood One In concert new rock #96-21 1996 Double-CD
Westwood One Spin Session David Bowie Show 97-13 1997 CD Westwood One 97-13
Westwood One The Vault Show 97-19 1997 CD Westwood One 97-19
Westwood One On the edge #97-46 1997 CD
What happened behind the door ? CD Imperium IMP 003
What the morning brings Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0475
Whispers 2010 Double-CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0220
Why don't you cry ? Part 1 LP CE 1+2
Witch hunt 2010 2CD Supersonic Scientists SSS 0239
Words about music 1992 CD single Words About Music WAM 02
Your silent touch LP XT-667